
Product Information

Where are these products made?
All our products are of the highest quality. We only stock 100% pure pharmaceutical grade orals produced in GMP ISO 9001:2000 facilities in accordance with DSHEA standards and THMPD regulations.
How much will I gain from these products?
It is advised user’s stick to an intense exercise program and strict diet when taking these products to further increase the amount of effects they yield. Genetic potential will also contribute largely to effects from these products.
How long can I take these products?
We suggest these products are taken no longer than 8-10 weeks without a break. Some products are better tolerated than others. We advise staggered use because of hormonal changes these products will exert on the body and time is needed for equilibrium post use. 
What happens if I experience side effects?
If you experience, hypertension, dizziness, vomiting, aggression, diarrhea or any other stomach discomfort, increased heart rate or any other adverse side effects associated with hormonal changes in the body, it advised to stop administering the product and see medical guidance. It is suggested that the user seek medical guidance before use.